The Star-Studded History of Veneers
If your teeth are cracked, stained, or otherwise damaged, cosmetic dentistry can greatly improve the appearance of your smile. Dentists use crowns, bridges, implants, onlays and veneers for smile makeovers
If your teeth are cracked, stained, or otherwise damaged, cosmetic dentistry can greatly improve the appearance of your smile. Dentists use crowns, bridges, implants, onlays and veneers for smile makeovers
Root canals have a bad reputation they don’t deserve and we think Hollywood is to blame. Movies and television shows often portray root canal therapy as a painful and frightening procedure. The truth is that most root canal procedures are quite painless
Most patients, especially those in suburban areas near cities, have two choices for the types of dental practices they can go to. There are classic privately-owned practices, which are small businesses where the supervising dentist is also the owner.
Ask anyone over the age of 40 and they’ll tell you that getting a dental filling used to mean adding a gleam of metal to your mouth. Recently, modern dentistry has adopted new high-tech materials that imitate the look of natural teeth
While we all experienced losing teeth as a right of passage through childhood, losing a tooth as an adult is no fun at all, especially when it’s the result of an accident.
While most people finish losing their primary teeth (also called baby teeth or milk teeth) by age 12, there are some adults who still have at least one baby tooth!